For every something that you like which other people don’t, there is something that they like which you don’t. Am I right? Here is my list of things that, when I disclose I don’t prefer them, people gasp in horror.
1. The Bachelor/The Bachelorette. It’s not that I’m above junky reality TV. I just can’t get into this twisted method of playing Cupid.
2. Mint Chip, Thin Mints, Junior Mints, Peppermint Patties, etc. I know, I know. It’s totally un-American of me to not have a taste for chocolate, minty sweets. I like mint. I like chocolate. Just not together.
3. Julia Roberts. Blasphemy, right? How could I not adore America’s Sweetheart? I’m sorry. I just don’t.
4. Indian food. I have tried over and over again to develop a taste for different Indian dishes. People keep telling me, “You’re just not eating the right things!” As much as I hate alienating an entire culture’s cuisine, I have now come to accept that it’s just not my thing.
5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. I really want to give this another shot, but the first book was hard to stomach (admittedly, I didn’t get very far).
Is there anything everyone else seems to like that you can’t appreciate?
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Bleh Indian Food – same, hate the stuff! I also don’t like – SUSHI or lettuce which are both things just about everyone seems to like.
I agree with everything on this list – I’d add Dancing With the Stars, American Idol, Desperate Housewives, and Twilight. I really don’t like TV that much but everyone I know loves these shows! Also,
I don’t like Sushi. I don’t care for wine/beer. I don’t like Facebook.
I don’t love Uggs or think LuLulemon is worth the price.
Ok throw tomatoes at me now 🙂
Great blog topic!
Haha! I’m with you on Dancing with the Stars and American Idol, for sure. Not a big beer lover but I kind of “get” the appeal. I don’t own a pair of Uggs because I can’t bite the bullet and spend the money, but I totally want a pair.
Oh and let me add all those darn game apps, Angrybirds, Words with Friends, Draw Something, etc. I just can’t get into them. And it’s not that I don’t or wouldn’t like them, I just don’t have the time but everyone is all into them and seems to be able to juggle life and apps. I’m just not that efficient!
Regarding Uggs, I don’t hate them but I think they are overpriced and that I’d look really stupid wearing them 😉 I just never hopped on that bandwagon!
Go to Malibu where all the girls where uggs and short-shorts 🙂
The Uggs and short skirts thing drives me crazy.
Thank you – I can’t stand Julia Roberts – I don’t think she is pretty AT ALL!
I have never watched one minute of the Bachelor/Bachelorette, Amazing Race or Survivor. And somehow I survived. 😀
Thanks for the birthday wishes earlier this week!
For me it’s more about the roles she chooses to play. They drive me crazy most of the time. Case in point: Notting Hill and Eat, Pray, Love.
1. The movie Moulin Rouge
2. Cirque De Soleil (admittedly, I have never seen it, I just have no interest)
4. Fancy coffees (lattes, frapuccinos, etc.)
There are many more, this is only the ones I can think of at the moment.
Top Gun – hands down the dumbest movie ever. I don’t get it.
I agree with 2 and 3. I just don’t like mint much in general. It’s too much like toothpaste.
Sweet nut butter, liquor, football, shopping, vampires.
Jennifer Aniston, coffee (although I LOVE the scent!), The Help (I read the book and saw the movie, both of which I thought were pretty good, but not nearly as great as the hype made them sound) and spicy food
I’m kind of with you on all of these, too. I DID like The Help, but with all the hype it got, you would think that no one ever knew about these issues in American history before the book came out!
Sports. watching them. Blah. I’m blessed that Derek feels the same way 🙂
I hate Twilight. And the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. And any book made into a movie (ALWAYS gets butchered).
I have to agree with you on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the Bachelorette. I have a couple that people really give me a hard time about like apple, in any form, and watermelon. Bleh! Fortunately I recently found out I’m mildly allergic to apples so at least now I have backup on that one. I like t.v. okay but I almost never watch it anymore which completely baffles people too.
#1 i am SO with you! i leave the room when that conversation starts. marshall has a HUGE hatred for #3 for some reason.
i hate all reality tv in general and it seems to be all people talk about. i have never seen jersey shore, real housewives of any city, or any of that crap. give me some family feud and richard dawson, please.
i also don’t care to read or watch twilight, listen to adele or *cringe* kings of leon, or run races.
I agree with you on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. We read it for my book club and I just couldn’t get through it.