A lot of readers have written to ask me for a status update on my weight. Most followed my weight loss journey on my old blog (RIP), and a few are aware that I gained some weight back after I stopped blogging.
When the lovely Annelies from Attune Foods contacted me to write a guest post for Weight Loss Wednesday about my weight story, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share my current perspective. It still doesn’t go into detail about the number on the scale; I imagine for me that this will continue to change, for better or worse. Its intent is merely to share with you the evolution I’ve experienced with food, exercise, and body image.
Even since writing this piece about a month ago, more change has occurred as I continue to forge a better relationship with my body. In that respect, perhaps this isn’t the last word on weight, because this is a journey I am sure to be on for a while.
For now, if you are interested, check it out: Confessions of a Yo-Yo Dieter.
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I think you look gorgeous in all three of those pictures, but you look the happiest in the last one. The day any woman wakes up and doesn’t think about her body or appearance at all is the day she’ll join Buddha in Nirvana…but here’s to coming as close as we can get!
Thank you, Tamara. Cheers to that!
That is a wonderful post Lara! I think a lot of women talk about their “happy weight” but they don’t realize it’s usually 10lbs over their “goal weight.” You hit the nail on the head when you said it’s a complete normal size that probably wouldn’t turn any heads. My personal evolution in regards to body image has taken leaps and bounds during my time undergoing chemo. I’m still not where I think I could be in both mind and body (are we ever?) but I think the most important thing I’ve realized is that it’s more valuable to dedicate time to learning to love ourselves the way we are, than spending time trying to change who we are. The former pays off so much more than the latter in the long run.
Susan, I can only imagine how something as life-altering as chemo can affect your body image and your priorities. You are right, as hard as it is, letting go of trying to drastically change ourselves is a huge relief. We have been blog buddies for so long; I remember our discussions about “the last 10.” So much has changed since then!
Loved the post. As with all things in life, finding balance is a continuous learning process. Balance isn’t a state, it’s always in flux. But we can keep practicing, finding what works & what doesn’t for us. And slowly I’ve learned to not judge myself when the balance gets out of whack: it;s just a normal part of life, telling me I need to pay attention to a certain aspect I’ve been neglecting.
I think once you let go of the goal weight, and find the happy weight, and start dressing that body, buying the right size & the fun clothes you’ve always wanted to (skinny jeans! Never thought I’d buy THEM until I was like, 99 lbs! And yet, here I am!), life becomes so much more fun.
Ruby, you are so right. People talk about “balance” like it’s something you can achieve and then forget about. It takes so much work (mental, physical, emotional) to stay balanced!
Love your last paragraph! Yes, it is a journey, and things constantly change. Getting older and dealing with a lot of “stuff” in the last year has taught me a lot. For the first time it’s truly not about how I look anymore (on most days at least…), but about what’s best for my body and mind.
Great post! Looking forward to more of them again! 🙂
Andrea, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care about my looks at all, but it’s becoming less important when the shift in focus turns to overall health. You have been a great role model for me in finding wellness 🙂
I absolutely loved your guest post Lara! Like you said, this probably isn’t the last word on it, since it’s probably something you (and all of us) will have to work on our whole lives 🙂
Thanks Inna. Indeed, it’s a work in progress!
I love this post Lara! I think that many of our ideas of “happy weights” is in our heads…not what would be healthy for our bodies. Healthy does not equal happy and visa versa! I’m trying to accept the weight my body needs to keep me doing what I’m doing for work and play!
Thank you, Melissa. You make a good point about health and happiness!
I loved the post! Very relatable for sure. I’ve been through the binge eating/diet food cycle and then on to a calorie counting/workout like a maniac cycle too. I think we all have to try different things to finally see what works for US. For some, it’s calorie counting & for others it’s intuitive eating.
For me, it took getting pregnant to really learn how to LISTEN to my body & tune in to my hunger cues. My workouts became more balanced too. Now I’m nursing & trying to eat enough food to keep my supply up. I eat more now than when I was pregnant!
So interesting Jessie. I’ve heard from many women that pregnancy changed their body image for the better.
Hey Lara – I’ve always thought you were beautiful, no matter your size. 😀
Thanks for the well wishes for my hubs! 😀
Thank you, Biz <3
i love it lara! could i reprint it for my blog thickdumplingskin.com???
Lynn, I’d be honored!
LOVE YOU! and the idea of a “middle ground! it’s hard to figure out though, huh!? I def. still struggle with the idea of “BALANCE”.
Thanks for your honesty and for sharing! I could relate to this post a lot. ……….and, you are a great writer! LOVE YOU!
So so true about our body’s happy weight being 10 lbs heavier than our mind’s happy weight and 10 pounds less than if we weren’t watching things at all. For me, that would be more like 40 pounds.
I’m thrilled that intuitive eating has worked for you and now you have much more to focus upon with a baby on the way. I have spoken to moms who say that their weight-battles dissipated because they were no longer just focused on their own needs, but rather those of someone else. Interesting.
And by the way, I could not pick out a difference between picture 2 and 3 physically if I tried 🙂
LOL. Oh Deb, you are too kind. There is…a good 20 lb difference 😉
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