Life With Baby: Six Months Later

by Lara on March 7, 2013


Photo courtesy of Aspin Photography

…well, almost seven months later.  My last Life with Baby update was written at almost seven weeks!

Life is simple these days, which is exactly how I like it.  We’re starting to feel slightly more competent as parents and have established a pretty good little routine.

Baby:  Everyone tells me that G is a really good baby, and he is, until the sun goes down.  Then he turns into a boob-crazed insomniac.  But otherwise he is lovely.  His development has exploded in the last couple of months, and he is just so fun to watch.  His temperament is still on the serious side, but as his skills expand he gets less grumpy.  I think his seriousness is more of a frustration about the limitations that his infancy imposes upon him.  When he does flash a smile or roll into a fit of laughter, you feel like a million bucks.

Birth:  I’ve started a post that reflects on our birth experience because it took me six months to really process the whole thing.  Six months of reading more birth stories than I did when I was pregnant, six months of dissecting every aspect of my labor that resulted in the unplanned epidural, and six months of discussing my thoughts and emotions with anyone who would listen.  I can finally say I have 99% made peace with G’s birth.  I am tremendously grateful for the wondrous experience that it was, epidural included.  More to come in another post.

Breastfeeding:  We have started on solids but only minimally, so not much has changed since I last wrote about breastfeeding.  I still big puffy heart nursing and hope we can keep it up for a long time.

Dogs:  People liked to warn me that two dogs and a baby would be madness, and that my love for the dogs would change and even lessen once my heart opened up to an actual child.  They were right that it would be crazy.  They were right that things would change, too.  The dogs are not nearly as spoiled as they once were and there are days when I want to sell them to the gypsies.  But they are still my first babies.

Sleep:  I know how dramatic this might seem, but I can’t really discuss our sleeping situation without crying.  We are still very sleep deprived, and I get upset and emotional when people encourage me to let him cry as a way to “teach” him to sleep.  Connecting sleep cycles is a developmental skill, just like rolling over or crawling.  Our baby, for whatever reason, is a little delayed in acquiring this ability.  It’s rough, and I feel like I’ve read every book, blog, or article out there about ways to encourage this skill to mature.  We’ll get there, but until then, I can’t talk about it anymore.

Visitors/Travel:  G is a great plane traveler so far.  Car travel is hit and miss.  We continue to entertain many family and friends from out of state and country, and feel lucky that despite the distance, G will grow up knowing the people most important to us.   

Weight/Body:  I gained 25.6 lbs while pregnant and had lost it all by my six-week postpartum checkup.  Somehow I did this while eating very large amounts of food.  Unfortunately my body still looks very different than it used to, and my weight loss has completely halted since six weeks. I would eventually like to lose at least ten pounds and increase my strength and stamina, but I’ve decided to give myself a year to pretty much do whatever I want and not worry too much.  Breastfeeding and bonding are more important than a few vanity pounds.

I’m excited for the next six months!

{ 23 comments… read them below or add one }

Lindsay March 7, 2013 at 2:18 pm

I hear you with the sleeping! Don’t get to stressed out about it and just do what feels rights for you. Edith’s sleep patterns (or lack there of) goes in waves. One night she will only have one, maybe two wake ups and other nights she will be up every hour or two. I have to say I am more sleep deprived now than I was in the beginning.

P.S. that is a beautiful photo of your family.

P.P.S. We are going to Seattle in May- any suggestions on what we should do/see?


Lara March 7, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Thanks Lindsay! Well you can see us! 🙂 Our babies are the same age; it would be so fun to get them together!

We just took some visitors to the Experience Music Project at the Seattle Center and it was a lot of fun. I definitely recommend that, and of course Pike Place Market. For restaurants, visit Emily of Daily Garnish’s Seattle page. She’s a veggie foodie like you and has some great suggestions. Other ideas are Gas Works Park, Discovery Park, and Portage Bay Cafe for brunch.


Lindsay March 8, 2013 at 5:34 am

Lara we would love to meet up! Lets keep in touch and we can figure out the details later. We will be in town May 24-27


Lara March 8, 2013 at 10:10 am

Sounds good!


Linda March 7, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Thanks for sharing an update and so good to see G sitting up unsupported – what a big boy! Benji is also on the serious side. I’m thinking we should get the babies together someday so that they can come up with the next big idea together when they’re older. : )

PS – We just bought the Keekaroo too and will be assembling it this weekend. Can’t wait!!! Thanks for pointing it out.



Lara March 7, 2013 at 2:34 pm

If we got them together I’m sure they would come up with the next Google or facebook 🙂

Let me know how you like the Keekaroo!


Abby March 7, 2013 at 2:36 pm

Beautiful family portrait!
As far as sleep goes, yes! You will get there! I love that you have that attitude about it and aren’t trying to force the issue, sometimes babies just need time! Plus you’ll probably miss him being a little boob crazed insomniac when he’s too busy being a toddler to even snuggle for more than a few minutes 🙂
Also, you look great lady!


Lara March 7, 2013 at 3:40 pm

Thank you so much, Abby 🙂


Jessie March 7, 2013 at 5:01 pm

We gained exactly the sane amount of weight during our pregnancies. That’s just weird. I was in my old jeans 5 days after giving birth – ah, the wonders of breastfeeding. 🙂

I hear you on the sleep, some kids just need time. I like your positive outlook on your situation. Makes it more tolerable!


Lara March 7, 2013 at 5:05 pm

How crazy about the weight gain! You started at a much lower weight than I did, though 😉 Are you still grazing? I’m trying to figure out a reasonable approach to lose the last ten pounds. Calorie counting is not going to be feasible.


HEAB March 7, 2013 at 7:22 pm

Lara, I could NOT lose that last 10 ponds after Summer until I stopped breastfeeding. As soon as I weaned, it came right off. I read that sometimes women’s bodies hold onto a little extra fat to help keep up with their milk supply. So I wouldn’t sweat it, and I get it will come off easily when you and G wean.


HEAB March 7, 2013 at 7:22 pm

*bet it will come off 🙂


Lara March 7, 2013 at 7:28 pm

Thanks Heabie, I hope you are right!


Jessie March 8, 2013 at 5:19 am

Oh totally, calorie counting would have just made my brain explode! I wish I had tips for losing while BFing but sadly I don’t. I ended up getting postpartum hypothyroidism which totally jacked up my once-clear skin, I lost a ton of hair and I was really shaky and weak. That’s how I lost all my baby weight. I went on meds for 3 months to even it out & I think I’m on the normal side again. Right now I eat like a toddler, 5 meals a day. Fits me perfectly! But I’m working in the quality of my choices, hiding in the kitchen scarfing Girl Scout cookies isn’t helping anything. 🙂


Andrea@WellnessNotes March 7, 2013 at 5:37 pm

Love the family portrait!

Enjoy the second half of the first year – so many amazing moments! 🙂


Lara March 7, 2013 at 7:29 pm

Thanks Andrea 🙂 We should chat soon!


HEAB March 7, 2013 at 7:08 pm

Wow, everyone looking straight at the camera. Please share your photographer’s secrets!

You guys look and sound so happy. Baby G is in good hands and obviously very loved.

Oh, and if those gypsies are looking for 2 lab mixes, please give them my number. 😉


Lara March 7, 2013 at 7:30 pm

Heab, we lucked out with a photographer the way you lucked out with a nanny 🙂 Love her!


coco March 8, 2013 at 2:59 am

congrats on 6 months! time flies so fast!

my baby is also a serious one… she never smiles to strangers and somedays she even wouldn’t smile to us… but when she laughs, she laughs hard! 🙂

hope the sleep situation improves soon.


Lara March 8, 2013 at 10:11 am

Thanks Coco! Isn’t it crazy how fast time flies?!


Kellie March 9, 2013 at 6:04 pm

Oh yes! That is an amazing family photo! I hope you are printing it HUGE and hanging someplace prominent 🙂

And just so you know, at some point, that little guy will sleep…it may not be til he’s a teenager LOL but it will happen 😉


Lara March 11, 2013 at 4:43 pm

Ha! Thanks Kellie 😉


elise March 12, 2013 at 3:59 pm

im so sorry your sleep situation is not the best. from what i understand its totally individual – and most of the time theres nothing really to do as a parent to train or fix the baby’s habits. its just one of those things thats complete luck of the draw i think. we’ve been fortunate with P so far with night time sleep schedules, but he does get super grunty and fussy sometimes and oddly enough classical music seems to work like magic. its crazy and im scared of how well it works – because heaven forbid he catches onto my tricks and it doesnt work anymore!
anyway. that family photo is perfect! g looks like the cutest thing ever! i love that you say hes so serious. its hilarious that they can have such personalities from such a young age.
i wish we lived closer so we could hang out and discuss all things baby boy.
i definitely think getting your feelings about birth and labor out on paper (or the internet, whatever) is therapeutic. i didnt realize how emotional i was until i started the process and then once i got to writing it, it was like a huge release.
last thing (sorry about this novel of a comment)! its weird how weight can “fall off” after birth but then your body is totally not at all how it was before. so far im actually a big fan of my new body. even though i have way less (ok no) muscle tone, i have curves that i never had before. like a butt! to be frank, i could do with way less boob-age. anyway, i second your thoughts. vanity weight can wait because this bonding time feels sooo precious and fleeting!
hugs lara 🙂


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