Our second baby’s birth story (Part I)

February 29, 2016

I’m doing this in three parts because, like Gray’s birth, I want to remember all the details. This is Part I, and I know it’s really boring. But I want it written somewhere. So, skip to Part II if you just want the actual birth story. I always swore I would never rush or feel anxious […]

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On the day you were born

February 26, 2016

On the day you were born, it was barely February. The first day of a new month. It was a Monday. The first day of a new week. We had every reason to believe it would be another rainy, dreary, winter day as we raced to the hospital in darkness. But on the day you were born, […]

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Pregnancy journal #2: Check me out on Scary Mommy!

January 5, 2016

Photo courtesy of Becca Howell Photography For various reasons I’ve decided not to post my detailed pregnancy journals like I did the first time. I do, however, want to share some thoughts as I slowly make my way through the last trimester. Scary Mommy was kind enough to publish those thoughts! Check it out: I was […]

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Dear First Born

December 22, 2015

 Photo courtesy of Becca Howell Photography  Dear First Born, It’s not long now that your world, and ours, will be forever changed. And I am scared for you. Many of our kind, well-meaning friends and family members try to tell me not to worry, that you are probably still young enough that eventually, you won’t even […]

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Why I’m ditching the nursing cover for Baby #2

December 8, 2015

The first time I nursed in public I was gifted a really cute nursing cover when I was pregnant with my first kid. For the two and a half years he nursed, I used it *maybe* five times. It’s a no-brainer that that sucker is sitting in the donation box right now. Here’s why I […]

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Truck books for little ones (Top 10)

August 18, 2015

Photo courtesy of Becca Howell Photography  Motherhood has been full of surprises so far. Among them is the rather impressive truck education I have received in the last year or so, since my son began to live and breathe everything trucks, trucks, trucks. Though I have consciously tried not to limit G’s interest to any one […]

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Pregnancy journal #2: Here we go again!

July 25, 2015

May 17, 2015 I was in bed all last week with the stomach flu. Today is the second day I’m feeling better. I lie in bed and realize it’s a bit early, but I could technically take a pregnancy test today. I don’t feel pregnant. I begin pondering the possible results of some testing Matthew […]

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Two and three-quarters

April 18, 2015

Dear Gray, I haven’t felt compelled to write much in this last year or so, because writing is a form of therapy for me and frankly, in your first year (and a half, or two), I needed a lot of therapy. Lately? Not so much. But it occurred to me recently that if I don’t […]

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Five Changes I Made to Help My Toddler Eat Better

April 29, 2014

I don’t know if it’s genetics, personality, or something I did wrong with baby-led weaning, but Gray isn’t “in” to food the way I hoped he would be.  Indeed, some of his favorite foods are very healthy (lentils, eggs, any fruit, spinach, raw carrots and bell peppers are his current favorites), but to me his […]

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The First Time

April 4, 2014

When Gray was about ten weeks old and nursing every hour, I called my mom crying that he wouldn’t even go to my husband long enough for me to shower and dry my hair. “Just wait,” she said.  “Just wait until the first time he cries and wants his daddy.  It will knock the wind […]

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