Silent Observation of Toddlers

March 21, 2014

Gray and I are newly enrolled in a fantastic toddler/parent ed class at our local community college.  It was something we kind of fell into while registering for another class, and it is just amazing so far. Today during class, the teacher called for a period of “silent observation.”  The entire concept was new to […]

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Myths About Birth Photography

March 14, 2014

  I am happy to share that I have joined the team over at Daily Mom as a contributing writer! My first post went live this week, and it’s on a topic y’all know I hold near and dear: childbirth!  I hope you will click over and check it out!

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Indoor Activities for Young Toddlers (No TV!)

February 17, 2014

It’s been a long, rainy winter in Seattle.  It’s important to me (for his sanity and my own), that Gray has opportunities to explore, learn, and get his wiggles out without making a mess or watching TV. Here are some of the things we’ve been up to these last few months (13-18 months) to have […]

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Toddler Busy Book

December 9, 2013

Gray received an awesome Christmas present this year that I wanted to share with you all!  Our dear friend Brandi is not just a talented photographer…she is also super crafty, creative, and generous.  She made this amazing toddler “busy book” for our very busy 16-month old. Brandi used three rings, felt (a soft felt on […]

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First Birthday Gift Guide

November 11, 2013

Also known as, Favorite Baby Items, 12-15 Months. Here’s a quick list of some of Gray’s favorite things during this fun, exploratory age! 1) Water table:  We enjoyed this all summer outdoors, and I think we will be getting it out this winter for some indoor sensory activities as well.  There is lots of fun […]

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Fun Stuff Friday – Parenting Reads

October 18, 2013

Source I don’t know what I did with my time and money before I had dogs, a baby, and a house. At any rate, I’m popping in to share a little of what I’m reading lately.  I’m on a Facebook hiatus (more on this soon), and I’m finding that I have more time in the […]

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I Am Enough.

October 4, 2013

Do you ever just want to slap yourself? I have these moments a lot. In the process of moving into our new lovely home, I have found myself feeling oddly without.  My mother might say, I’ve had a mentality of scarcity.  It started with the kitchen faucet.  Stiff as a board, about ten years old, […]

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Moving With a Toddler

October 1, 2013

So, we grossly underestimated what moving would be like with a toddler.  I’m popping in to share some tips.  Here we go: Tips for Moving With a Toddler Don’t do it. If you are really thinking about it, see above. If you really must do it, beg, borrow, and steal as much help as you […]

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A Place to Call Home

September 25, 2013

If you ask my husband where he grew up, he will, without fail, stumble on his words a little as he tries to give an answer. It’s not because he’s inarticulate; it’s because he could rival any army brat with the number of places he called home as a child. Between three countries, he lived […]

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Why You Should Hire a Birth Photographer

September 16, 2013

“Birth is an experience that demonstrates that life is not merely function and utility, but form and beauty.” ~Christopher Largen I know what you’re thinking. “Pictures of my vagina?!  No thanks.” Except that’s not what birth photography is.  Birth photography is about so much more than the actual moment of birth.  In fact, there are […]

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